The seemingly invincible Spider-Man faces off against a host of new villains, including the shape-shifting Sandman. Spider-Man’s superpowers are altered by an alien life form, and his alter-ego Peter Parker must battle his nemesis Eddie Brock…
Spider-Man 3 - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Spider-Man 3 |
Genre: | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi |
Language: | English |
Director: | Sam Raimi |
Main Cast: | Tobey Maguire · Kirsten Dunst · James Franco · Thomas Haden Church · Topher Grace · Bryce Dallas Howard · Rosemary Harris · J.K. Simmons. |
Release Date: | 4 May 2007 |
Banner: | Columbia Pictures, Marvel Entertainment, and Laura Ziskin Productions |
Music: | Sony Music Entertainment Inc |
Budget: | Not available |
Runtime: | 139 min |
Spider-Man 3 Movie Story
Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) and M.J. (Kirsten Dunst) Their complicated relationship finally seems to be on the right track, but trouble threatens the superhero and his lover. Peter’s Spider-Man suit turns black, controlling Peter and giving him great powers but also bringing out the dark side of his personality. Peter must overcome the suit’s influence when two supervillains, Sandman and Venom, emerge to destroy him and everyone he cares about.
Spider-Man 3 Trailer